Me and my Dogs
Spencer and Eugene's Blog
Thursday, June 9, 2011

I am a horrible person for never updating this blog, and I don't have an excuse. I will hopefully begin to edit more. So, let's hope, yes?
We have gotten a new puppy, Eugene. He is a miniature pincher, fox terrier mutt from an accidental litter birthed from a rescue. He was the runt of the litter, and we happily took him at seven weeks old - mom wouldn't let him nurse anymore and he was on semi solid food.
So he's four months old now, and we're so happy to have him. He's a little butt head, but still a sweet heart. I never realized how needy small dogs were, but I don't regret having him at all.
For the most part, he and Spencer get along but he is younger. He likes to pull fur, etc. Surprisingly, he isn't bad with the cats. He yaps at them a lot and while I don't have pictures of it, I have seen him cuddle up sweetly next to Dawson, my cat who I'm sure I've posted about before.
So Eugene is four months old and weighing in at a whopping 3.7 pounds (his brothers and sisters are all well over 15 pounds, funny enough) and Spencer is nearly a year old, weighing in at an amazing 65 - 70 pounds (he's got all his shots, and hasn't been ill, so no recent vet checks!)
Spencer now knows sit, roll over, speak, down, "go to your bed" and a few other tricks. Eugene knows none ;D
I'll be making a post after this one with a few pics of my boys, and I'll be changing the name of this blog from Me and my Dog - Spencer's Blog to Me and my Dogs - Spencer and Eugene
We have gotten a new puppy, Eugene. He is a miniature pincher, fox terrier mutt from an accidental litter birthed from a rescue. He was the runt of the litter, and we happily took him at seven weeks old - mom wouldn't let him nurse anymore and he was on semi solid food.
So he's four months old now, and we're so happy to have him. He's a little butt head, but still a sweet heart. I never realized how needy small dogs were, but I don't regret having him at all.
For the most part, he and Spencer get along but he is younger. He likes to pull fur, etc. Surprisingly, he isn't bad with the cats. He yaps at them a lot and while I don't have pictures of it, I have seen him cuddle up sweetly next to Dawson, my cat who I'm sure I've posted about before.
So Eugene is four months old and weighing in at a whopping 3.7 pounds (his brothers and sisters are all well over 15 pounds, funny enough) and Spencer is nearly a year old, weighing in at an amazing 65 - 70 pounds (he's got all his shots, and hasn't been ill, so no recent vet checks!)
Spencer now knows sit, roll over, speak, down, "go to your bed" and a few other tricks. Eugene knows none ;D
I'll be making a post after this one with a few pics of my boys, and I'll be changing the name of this blog from Me and my Dog - Spencer's Blog to Me and my Dogs - Spencer and Eugene
fox terrier,
golden retriever,
husky retriever,
miniature pinscer,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Doggy Fun Times
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (or, fellow Canadian`s rather)
It`s ten thirty and we`re getting ready to do a mass clean up of the kitchen, and throw the ham in the oven! Spencer`s going to be a whiny puppy tonight, with all the smells. We`re going to grammas house for dinner, but we`re doing the ham. She`s doing the turkey and the roast - yes, a roast. We`re weird!
Spencer`s going to hang out with his doggy family today. I guess I should introduce you to all of them, too.
Oldest to youngest, yet again:
Teddy; he`s a black and tan miniature Daschund, and he has a problem with most other dogs. He loves his little lady friend, Zoey. He`s over weight although he doesn`t eat much, and runs around. The doctors can`t find anything wrong with him so we think it`s just his metabolism. Teddy came from what we now think was a puppy mill. He was skin and bones and stunk horribly. He has an extreme attachment to gramma, my sister, and myself. He loves afternoon naps and watching "the girls", which is what gramma calls the squirrels that frequent their yard.
Zoey: she`s a toy yorkshire terrier. When we got her, she was black, but after her first hair cut she turned silver. Is that normal? She is madly in love with me, and I feel the same way about her. She loves laser pointers, Teddy, and sleeping in my bed. I`m the only one who can give her a bath, and I usually just toss her in the tub when I have a shower. It`s the only waty she`s relaxed about it. She thinks she`s a huge dog, but...she`s not! Haha.
Sam: Italian mastiff. He`s black. He`s bigger than Hiedi - his sister - an he`s a bone head. Spencer is afraid of Sam, and I can see why. Sam`s not vicious by any means, he`s a total cuddle bug, but he`s just so big he plays a bit too rough...
Hiedi: Italian mastiff, and Sam`s smaller, orange sister. She has yellow eyes, which is where she developed her nick name, yellow-eyes. She is in love wih my grampa. Like her brother, she`s a big slow in the head. Her and Spence get along
I`ll be sure to take videos of them all tonight. However, I only have my cell phone, and when I upload stuff, it doesn`t have any sound.
It`s ten thirty and we`re getting ready to do a mass clean up of the kitchen, and throw the ham in the oven! Spencer`s going to be a whiny puppy tonight, with all the smells. We`re going to grammas house for dinner, but we`re doing the ham. She`s doing the turkey and the roast - yes, a roast. We`re weird!
Spencer`s going to hang out with his doggy family today. I guess I should introduce you to all of them, too.
Oldest to youngest, yet again:
Teddy; he`s a black and tan miniature Daschund, and he has a problem with most other dogs. He loves his little lady friend, Zoey. He`s over weight although he doesn`t eat much, and runs around. The doctors can`t find anything wrong with him so we think it`s just his metabolism. Teddy came from what we now think was a puppy mill. He was skin and bones and stunk horribly. He has an extreme attachment to gramma, my sister, and myself. He loves afternoon naps and watching "the girls", which is what gramma calls the squirrels that frequent their yard.
Zoey: she`s a toy yorkshire terrier. When we got her, she was black, but after her first hair cut she turned silver. Is that normal? She is madly in love with me, and I feel the same way about her. She loves laser pointers, Teddy, and sleeping in my bed. I`m the only one who can give her a bath, and I usually just toss her in the tub when I have a shower. It`s the only waty she`s relaxed about it. She thinks she`s a huge dog, but...she`s not! Haha.
Sam: Italian mastiff. He`s black. He`s bigger than Hiedi - his sister - an he`s a bone head. Spencer is afraid of Sam, and I can see why. Sam`s not vicious by any means, he`s a total cuddle bug, but he`s just so big he plays a bit too rough...
Hiedi: Italian mastiff, and Sam`s smaller, orange sister. She has yellow eyes, which is where she developed her nick name, yellow-eyes. She is in love wih my grampa. Like her brother, she`s a big slow in the head. Her and Spence get along
I`ll be sure to take videos of them all tonight. However, I only have my cell phone, and when I upload stuff, it doesn`t have any sound.
husky retriever,
italian mastiff,
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Half a Month
It's been half a month since I updated this blog, and I apologise. I'm watching Julie and Julia right now (or is it the other way around?) and it made the urge to write here itch so hard, I wanted to physically scratch it.
As you all know, Spencer was sick a few weeks ago. He had to be rushed to the vet, and they gave him medication as well as a "wet food" named 'Medicare'. It's a veterinary food. It looks like rubber, and it smells like vomit, but the dog loved it. I can not understand why. Then again, I can't understand why he likes to sniff my socks and other dogs butts. I guess bad smells equals pleasure in a dogs mind.
The past few weeks have been amazing. Spencer has learned so many amazing things. He can now sit, give paw, lay down and roll over. When he first gave me his paw his heart swelled the same way it did when my niece spoke for the first time. I know that sounds horrible, but my dog is my son. I don't treat him the same way as I would a child, but he holds a similarly special place in my heart.
Spencer has gotten very close with his cat friends, and I have to say that I think he'd like to tell you about the rest of our family. He loves us all and I think he'd want everyone to know about his four legged family.
I'll start with the oldest
Rocky; there's not much to say about Rockster. He's a very tiny, very skittish shorted haired white and brown cat. He's thirteen - almost fourteen - years old. He used to be an outdoor cat, and a great hunter. In his old age, Rocky's settled down. He wants nothing to do with Spence. Rocky has a drooling problem, and a major cuddler. Ladies man for sure!
J.C.; her name sounds for Just Cat, and she's just that; just cat. She's a black and white long haired kitty, with a little black nose. It's so funny actually...J.C. was born two days after my little sister. Back in the day, babies had to be held in a nursery and that's how long it took for my sis, S, to come home. The day she did, Nala - J.C.'s mom - gave birth. That's not the best part though. J.C's dad? His name was Boots. He was born from a litter of kittens that my aunt had had. J.C's blood line goes for a few generations. She had kittens too, but only two of them. One ran away, and the other...he passed on. J.C's got history with us and we don't always get along, but I love her. She's toothless now and has been since she was four. Vet told us she wouldn't live a long life, but she proved them wrong. She's a pretty lady, and may she live another health thirteen years.
The babies? Heh.
Sabbath; Savage the Beast. She's attacked me more than once, drawn blood, but we love each other. I bug her, she gets her revenge. She was brought home by someone long long ago. She was found at somebodies work, a scared, tiny, black and white kitten. She cried all the time, and got fed for it. Now she's a little fattie, and talks constantly. Sabby loves to tell us about her day! She's a great hunter, and, sadly, brings us little mousie presents everyday. I've only seen her catch two birds to date, and ugh. I can't say I enjoy it! - or condone it!
Dawson is the newest edition. I found him outside our old apartment building, half dead. At first I thought he was dead. I walked by him four times before I crouched down to see if he was alive. He crawled towards me, all skin and bones, then climbed into my lap. He cried so pitifully that I begged my mom to let me bring him home. We did, and J.C. didn't like it much. After a while, he got his shots, got neutured, gained weight and ever since he's been the perfect cat. He loves to cuddle and nuzzle against us to purr, and he always knows when we need cheering up.
Last but not least is Bella the Hedgehog. She is a salt and pepper hedgie who turned three this August. Spence is afraid of her, but her mommy - me - loves her. She's a cuddly ball of prickles, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Her favorite treat is the common chicken dinner, and she loves to run on her wheel. Bella was purchased from a lovely breeder here in Canada.
Those are all of Spencer's siblings...however, yesterday Spencer had a doggy play time. He met several other wonderful dogs in the park, although Chico, a yorkshire terrier, kept snapping at him. I hope if the owner of Chico ever reads this, she doesn't get offended. I love Chico! Spencer had a great time, and it was an awesome socialization thing.
A few weeks back Spence had a play date with my grammas dog, Hiedi. Remind me to post the videos here!
As you all know, Spencer was sick a few weeks ago. He had to be rushed to the vet, and they gave him medication as well as a "wet food" named 'Medicare'. It's a veterinary food. It looks like rubber, and it smells like vomit, but the dog loved it. I can not understand why. Then again, I can't understand why he likes to sniff my socks and other dogs butts. I guess bad smells equals pleasure in a dogs mind.
The past few weeks have been amazing. Spencer has learned so many amazing things. He can now sit, give paw, lay down and roll over. When he first gave me his paw his heart swelled the same way it did when my niece spoke for the first time. I know that sounds horrible, but my dog is my son. I don't treat him the same way as I would a child, but he holds a similarly special place in my heart.
Spencer has gotten very close with his cat friends, and I have to say that I think he'd like to tell you about the rest of our family. He loves us all and I think he'd want everyone to know about his four legged family.
I'll start with the oldest
Rocky; there's not much to say about Rockster. He's a very tiny, very skittish shorted haired white and brown cat. He's thirteen - almost fourteen - years old. He used to be an outdoor cat, and a great hunter. In his old age, Rocky's settled down. He wants nothing to do with Spence. Rocky has a drooling problem, and a major cuddler. Ladies man for sure!
J.C.; her name sounds for Just Cat, and she's just that; just cat. She's a black and white long haired kitty, with a little black nose. It's so funny actually...J.C. was born two days after my little sister. Back in the day, babies had to be held in a nursery and that's how long it took for my sis, S, to come home. The day she did, Nala - J.C.'s mom - gave birth. That's not the best part though. J.C's dad? His name was Boots. He was born from a litter of kittens that my aunt had had. J.C's blood line goes for a few generations. She had kittens too, but only two of them. One ran away, and the other...he passed on. J.C's got history with us and we don't always get along, but I love her. She's toothless now and has been since she was four. Vet told us she wouldn't live a long life, but she proved them wrong. She's a pretty lady, and may she live another health thirteen years.
The babies? Heh.
Sabbath; Savage the Beast. She's attacked me more than once, drawn blood, but we love each other. I bug her, she gets her revenge. She was brought home by someone long long ago. She was found at somebodies work, a scared, tiny, black and white kitten. She cried all the time, and got fed for it. Now she's a little fattie, and talks constantly. Sabby loves to tell us about her day! She's a great hunter, and, sadly, brings us little mousie presents everyday. I've only seen her catch two birds to date, and ugh. I can't say I enjoy it! - or condone it!
Dawson is the newest edition. I found him outside our old apartment building, half dead. At first I thought he was dead. I walked by him four times before I crouched down to see if he was alive. He crawled towards me, all skin and bones, then climbed into my lap. He cried so pitifully that I begged my mom to let me bring him home. We did, and J.C. didn't like it much. After a while, he got his shots, got neutured, gained weight and ever since he's been the perfect cat. He loves to cuddle and nuzzle against us to purr, and he always knows when we need cheering up.
Last but not least is Bella the Hedgehog. She is a salt and pepper hedgie who turned three this August. Spence is afraid of her, but her mommy - me - loves her. She's a cuddly ball of prickles, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Her favorite treat is the common chicken dinner, and she loves to run on her wheel. Bella was purchased from a lovely breeder here in Canada.
Those are all of Spencer's siblings...however, yesterday Spencer had a doggy play time. He met several other wonderful dogs in the park, although Chico, a yorkshire terrier, kept snapping at him. I hope if the owner of Chico ever reads this, she doesn't get offended. I love Chico! Spencer had a great time, and it was an awesome socialization thing.
A few weeks back Spence had a play date with my grammas dog, Hiedi. Remind me to post the videos here!
Friday, September 17, 2010
One Sick Puppy
Sorry for the lack of updates yesterday, but Spencer was...sick. Lots of vomiting.
We did not take him to the vet right away. We thought about it, but you know what? Puppies are like babies. Sometimes they get sick. If he had have continued vomiting at night, we would have taken him. Just tossing that out there so people don't flip on me, and call me a bad owner.
Also, two cats who are very close to our family got put down yesterday. A twenty two year old, belonging to my moms best friend. Also my aunt C's cat, Kali, who had a disease in her bladder that was gradually getting worse. A lot of sadness yesterday, therefore, I was not online.
Aunt C has had many a dog in her life, and when Tilly and Sparky got sick when they were puppies, the vet said to put honey on their gums so they salivate, which will help keep them hydrated. She drove me to the store so I could get honey, and we did it on Spencer.
He wasn't eating or drinking last night, and I guess it was because he was scared he was going to be sick. Just a little while ago, I put more honey on his gums, and then he chowed down on a treat I gave him - which was being used, just to try and get him eating.
I brought his water bowl over, and he devoured half of it. After a few minutes, he looked a hundred times better. He began running around the house, bugging the cats, and getting into things he shouldn't!
Then, he sat at the door and begged to be let out. He went all over the front yard, then the back. He's definately doing a lot better, and I am so bloody relieved it isn't funny.
I also called the vet today, to make an appointment. She said that he should be fine, pups get sick, and we made an appointment for next Friday at six o'clock, for him to go get his second shots, and a booster.
Hopefully today there will be more posts. If not, it's because I'm spending my time with the boy, making sure he's feeling better.
Oh: my super best friend is here, and I'm so glad that Spencer likes her! Last night when he was sick, she sat outside with him - he didn't want to come inside - while I made us dinner. Today he came up onto the couch and cuddled in between us, and when I got up to do stuff, he snuggled her. I think Spencer and K will have an awesome friendship together, if only because she stood strong by his side, in his time of need.
She has really bad circulation, and her hands were nearly black she was so cold - Spencer didn't seem bothered by it, and he whined and growled when I tried to bring him inside - and yet she sat by him, making sure he was okay. When other people tried to feed him, she would rush inside and ask me to make sure it was okay. She sat out with him for almost two hours - I joined her once I finished cooking - and didn't complain once, not even when it looked like her fingers were going to fall off. Talk about a true friend, right? I couldn't ask for anything better, in my human soul mate - K - or my canine soul mate - Spencer. We're going to be together for a long time, the three of us, and really? We couldn't be happier.
We did not take him to the vet right away. We thought about it, but you know what? Puppies are like babies. Sometimes they get sick. If he had have continued vomiting at night, we would have taken him. Just tossing that out there so people don't flip on me, and call me a bad owner.
Also, two cats who are very close to our family got put down yesterday. A twenty two year old, belonging to my moms best friend. Also my aunt C's cat, Kali, who had a disease in her bladder that was gradually getting worse. A lot of sadness yesterday, therefore, I was not online.
Aunt C has had many a dog in her life, and when Tilly and Sparky got sick when they were puppies, the vet said to put honey on their gums so they salivate, which will help keep them hydrated. She drove me to the store so I could get honey, and we did it on Spencer.
He wasn't eating or drinking last night, and I guess it was because he was scared he was going to be sick. Just a little while ago, I put more honey on his gums, and then he chowed down on a treat I gave him - which was being used, just to try and get him eating.
I brought his water bowl over, and he devoured half of it. After a few minutes, he looked a hundred times better. He began running around the house, bugging the cats, and getting into things he shouldn't!
Then, he sat at the door and begged to be let out. He went all over the front yard, then the back. He's definately doing a lot better, and I am so bloody relieved it isn't funny.
I also called the vet today, to make an appointment. She said that he should be fine, pups get sick, and we made an appointment for next Friday at six o'clock, for him to go get his second shots, and a booster.
Hopefully today there will be more posts. If not, it's because I'm spending my time with the boy, making sure he's feeling better.
Oh: my super best friend is here, and I'm so glad that Spencer likes her! Last night when he was sick, she sat outside with him - he didn't want to come inside - while I made us dinner. Today he came up onto the couch and cuddled in between us, and when I got up to do stuff, he snuggled her. I think Spencer and K will have an awesome friendship together, if only because she stood strong by his side, in his time of need.
She has really bad circulation, and her hands were nearly black she was so cold - Spencer didn't seem bothered by it, and he whined and growled when I tried to bring him inside - and yet she sat by him, making sure he was okay. When other people tried to feed him, she would rush inside and ask me to make sure it was okay. She sat out with him for almost two hours - I joined her once I finished cooking - and didn't complain once, not even when it looked like her fingers were going to fall off. Talk about a true friend, right? I couldn't ask for anything better, in my human soul mate - K - or my canine soul mate - Spencer. We're going to be together for a long time, the three of us, and really? We couldn't be happier.
best friends,
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Rainy Days
It`s raining today, and Spencer doesn`t like it much. He`s being good today, although KE and CR think he`s being bad. They don`t know what he`s like.
He scratched at the bottom of a chair, and CR smacked him in his butt. I never smack Spence. He started crying, then ran over to me and jumped, tossing his front paws into my lap. I picked him up and he didn`t want me to put him back down.
This morning, Sabbath - one of our cats - took a nice swipe at him. Perhaps later, I`ll post pictures of all the cats, the hedgehog, and maybe my Gramma`s dogs, since once Spence has his shots, they`re going to be a part of his life too.
He scratched at the bottom of a chair, and CR smacked him in his butt. I never smack Spence. He started crying, then ran over to me and jumped, tossing his front paws into my lap. I picked him up and he didn`t want me to put him back down.
This morning, Sabbath - one of our cats - took a nice swipe at him. Perhaps later, I`ll post pictures of all the cats, the hedgehog, and maybe my Gramma`s dogs, since once Spence has his shots, they`re going to be a part of his life too.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pee Pee Problems
Spencer's been weird today...he peed on the floor in the living room, in front of everyone, and then later on peed on M's jeans. I don't know whats wrong with him. Maybe all the people here are stressing him out.
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