Walk -again- didn`t last as long as I would have liked. He`s still all hyper, but now hims got hims bone :P He`s tossing it around the house and chasing it. Apparently, the rule of thumb is "If you're not tripping over their toys, they don't have enough" when it comes to distracting puppies.
Ever since I got home? Yeah, he's been amazing. That puppy so knows I'm his Alpha, haha!
He's a good dog, he really is :)
Our walk was eventful! The park was full of squirrels, and birds, and other things he wanted to play with. Some man had a Jack Russel Terrier out there though, and he got scared again.
I've taken to keeping him on my left side, because he likes to cross over infront of me, and I stepped on him by accident. So now, I've shorted his lead so he only has a foot of space. It's just until he can wak properly :) He's doing good so far though, and he knows that pulling gets him no where, and that if he wants to go somewhere he has to ask.
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